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Move to what matters

Features that'll keep you energized. Full of potential. Just like you.

100 resistance levels

Dial up the challenge in any workout with one easy twist of the resistance knob. Discover just how strong you are.

Dual-sided pedals

Find your ideal footing - SPD® clips for cycling shoes, toe cages for athletic shoes.

VeloCore leaning mode

Experience a stationary ride that leans left and right as you sprint toward the finish line. Sway side to side like an outdoor ride.

Third-party apps that keep you moving.

Connect and view Peloton® app from your smart phone or tablet. Separate subscription required.

Peloton App

Experience live, instructor-led cardio classes that fit your goals and experience level.2

Zwift App

Reach your goals by training with other cyclists in a variety of virtual worlds.2

JRNY connectivity for at-home riding experiences.

JRNY gives you a million exciting reasons to hop on your BowFlex bike. With inspiring trainers, workouts that push you harder as you get stronger and streaming entertainment, you'll never find yourself in a fitness rut.3, 4

See JRNY in action

Streaming entertainment4

Follow your workout and stream your favorite shows at the same time, including Netflix and Prime Video. Watch Video

Integrated Automatic Tracking

Closely monitor your progress as JRNY measures every workout. Watch Video

Explore the World

200+ scenic routes let you train in your dream destination. Watch Video

Adaptive workouts

Every day, a custom set of workouts to liven up your routine and keep things fun. Watch Video

Trainer-led workouts

Find an instructor for every mood, every fitness level. Watch Video


2-Month FREE Trial for New Members1

Subscription starting at $14.99/mo or $149/yr

Explore JRNY

A right fit for every body.

You can't make a wrong move with BowFlex.

  • Embedded 22" console
  • Lean / stationary mode
  • Wi-Fi required
  • NetflixAmazon Prime Video
  • 100 resistance levels
  • Built-in JRNY experience
  • Embedded 16" console
  • Lean / stationary mode
  • Wi-Fi required
  • NetflixAmazon Prime Video
  • 100 resistance levels
  • Built-in JRNY experience
  • 7" color LCD console
  • Stationary mode
  • Wi-Fi not required
  • Streaming entertainment not available
  • 100 resistance levels
  • JRNY app on mobile device
  • Backlit LCD console
  • Stationary mode
  • Wi-Fi not required
  • Streaming entertainment not available
  • 100 resistance levels
  • Ride with the Peloton app

Discover what's right for you.

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1 Offer availability is subject to change without notice. At the end of the introductory offer period, JRNY membership automatically renews at then-current membership rate until canceled.

2 Effortlessly connect and view your Peloton® or Zwift® app from your smart phone or tablet. Separate subscription required.

3 Access these features and everything else the JRNY experience has to offer with a JRNY™ Membership.

4 A JRNY™ Membership allows you to follow your workout on-screen while watching your existing Netflix and Amazon Prime Video accounts on built-in touchscreen products. Separate streaming subscriptions required.